complexType ItemType

Super Types
{urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-1.0}ItemType (extension)

ABIE Item. Details information directly relating to an item Item article, product, goods item Redefinition: Element RecommendedRetailPrice hinzugefügt.
This component is not nillable.

(Description?, PackQuantity?, PackSizeNumeric?, CatalogueIndicator?, BuyersItemIdentification?, SellersItemIdentification?, ManufacturersItemIdentification?, StandardItemIdentification?, CatalogueItemIdentification?, AdditionalItemIdentification*, CatalogueDocumentReference?, LotIdentification?, OriginCountry?, CommodityClassification?, SalesConditions*, HazardousItem*, TaxCategory*, BasePrice* ) RecommendedRetailPrice?

Nested Element Summary
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           BBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           BBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           BBIE Item. 
           BBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
           ASBIE Item. 
<xsd:complexType name="ItemType">
<xsd:extension base="ItemType">
<xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" ref="RecommendedRetailPrice"/>

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